Battery conditioning mode: (if equipped)
  1. Battery conditioning

  2. Battery conditioning

  3. Activate

  • The Battery conditioning mode is efficient during the winter time when the high voltage battery temperature is low. This mode is recommended to improve driving and DC charging performances during winter. However, the driving distance may be reduced as more energy is required to increase battery temperature.

  • If the battery temperature is low during driving, Battery conditioning mode raises the battery temperature to an adequate level. If the battery temperature is low when scheduled air conditioner/heater is activated, this mode is operated to improve driving and charging performance. However, the mode is not operated to ensure driving distance when the battery level is low.

  • If you set a DC charging station as a destination in battery conditioning mode, you can reduce the charging time by raising the battery temperature to an adequate level when you arrive.

  • The Battery conditioning mode indicator light illuminates whilst battery conditioning mode is activated.

  • This mode is available for the vehicles equipped with the battery heater.

  • The infotainment system may change after software updates. For more information, refer to the manual provided in the infotainment system and the quick reference guide.