V2L power outlet: (if equipped)


The V2L power outlet supplies 230V/3.68kVA electric power to operate electric accessories or equipment in the vehicle.

If you wish to use the V2L power outlet, open up the cover and connect a plug to it with the vehicle is in POWER ON, DRIVE READY, or Utility Mode

For more details, refer to Suitability of each seating position for belted & ISOFIX Child Restraint Systems (CRS) according to UN regulations (Information for use by vehicle users and CRS manufacturers)

V2L stands for Vehicle to Load.

  • Rated voltage: AC 230V

  • Maximum electric power: 3.68kVA

  • In order to avoid an electrical system failure, electric shock, etc., be sure to read owner's manual before use.

  • Be sure to close the cover except for when in use.

  • After using an electric accessory or equipment, pull the plug out. Leaving the accessory or equipment plugged in for a long time may cause battery discharge.

  • Do not use an electric accessory or equipment the power consumption of which is greater than 68kVA (230V).

  • When the V2L input voltage is less than min. discharging voltage(245V), power will turn off. The V2L will operate as normal when the voltage is increased.

  • Whilst the power consumption of some electrical devices/appliances may be within the AC inverter's electric power range, it may malfunction in below cases.

    • If the device/appliance requires high electric power for initial start up

    • If the device/appliance processes precise/very accurate data

    • If the device/appliance requires very stable supply of electricity


Electric accessory devices

  • Do not use broken electric accessories which may damage the V2L power outlet and electrical systems of the vehicle.

  • Do not use two or more electric accessories at the same time. It may cause damage to the electrical systems of the vehicle.