Shift-lock system
Shift-lock system prevents shifting the gear from P (Park) into N (Neutral)/R (Reverse)/D (Drive) or N (Neutral) into R (Reverse)/D (Drive) unless the brake pedal is depressed.
ALWAYS check the surrounding areas near your vehicle for people, especially children, before shifting a vehicle into D (Drive) or R (Reverse).
Before leaving the driver's seat, always make sure the gear is in the P (Park) position, then set the parking brake, and place the EV button in the OFF position. Unexpected and sudden vehicle movement can occur if these precautions are not followed.
Shifting into P (Park) whilst the vehicle is in motion may cause you to lose control of the vehicle.
After the vehicle has stopped, always make sure P (Park) gear position is selected, apply the parking brake, and turn the vehicle off.
Do not use the P (Park) position in place of the parking brake.
When you park the vehicle, make sure Electronic Parking Brake is applied even though the gear is in the P (Park) position.
If equipped with Electronic Parking Brake, parking brake is applied automatically when the gear is shifted to P (Park).
Always come to a complete stop before shifting into or out of R (Reverse); you may damage the reduction gear if you shift into R (Reverse) whilst the vehicle is in motion, except on "Rocking the vehicle" (refer to Rocking the vehicle ).
Always depress the brake pedal whilst shifting to another gear.
You cannot shift the gear whilst the charging cable is connected.