Emergency braking

Emergency braking
Collision warning will alert the driver with a warning light on the outside rearview mirror, a warning message, an audible warning, and the steering wheel will vibrate.
Collision warning will also appear on the infotainment system screen.
Emergency braking will be assisted to help prevent collision with approaching vehicles from the left and right.
Emergency braking will operate when all the following conditions are satisfied:
The gear is shifted to R (Reverse) whilst your driving speed is below 8 km/h (5 mph)
The approaching vehicle is within approximately 1.5 m (5 ft) from the left and right side of your vehicle
The speed of the vehicle approaching from the left and right is above 5 km/h (3 mph)
Brake control ends when the conditions of the approaching vehicle from the rear left or right side are as below:
The approaching vehicle is out of the detecting range
The approaching vehicle passes behind your vehicle
The approaching vehicle does not drive toward your vehicle
The approaching vehicle speed slows down
The driver depresses the brake pedal with sufficient power