To prevent possible damage to the power window system, do not open or close two windows or more at the same time. This will also ensure the longevity of the fuse.
Never try to operate the main switch on the driver's door and the individual door window switch in opposite directions at the same time. If this is done, the window will stop and cannot be opened or closed.
Whilst driving with the rear windows down or with the sunroof (if equipped) in an open (or partially open) position, your vehicle may demonstrate a wind buffeting or pulsation noise. This noise is a normal occurrence and can be reduced or eliminated by taking the following actions. If the noise occurs with one or both of the rear windows down, partially lower both front windows approximately one inch. If you experience the noise with the sunroof open, slightly reduce the size of the sunroof opening.
In cold and wet climates, power windows may not work properly due to freezing conditions.
The automatic reverse feature for the window is only active when the "auto up" feature is used by fully pulling up the switch. The automatic reverse feature will not operate if the window is raised using the halfway position on the power window switch.