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Operating door unlocks from outside the vehicle

Manual type

Push the button on the front outside door handle (the engraved part) while carrying the Smart Key with you, all doors will unlock.

The hazard warning lights will blink twice and chime also sounds twice.

Once the doors are unlocked, when press the front of the door handle (1) then rear of the door handle will pop out (2).

Pull the outside door handle to open the door.

Electric type (if equipped)

Approach Unlock system

The outside door handle will slide out and the doors will unlock when the driver approaches the vehicle possessing the smart key.

The driver can activate/deactivate the Approach Unlock system on the infotainment screen.

To activate Approach unlock system for only the driver's seat, select SetupVehicleDoorRemote Power Door OpenUnlock All Doors in the infotainment system screen.

To activate Approach unlock system, select SetupVehicleDoorActivate Approach Unlock in the infotainment system. The outside door handle will slide out and the door will unlock when the driver approaches the vehicle possessing the smart key. If Approaching unlock system is deactivated, the door handle will not slide out even when the driver approaches to the vehicle with the smart key. To unlock doors when Approach unlock system is deactivated, touch the lock/unlock sensor (engraved part) on the handle.

When the Approach unlock is activated

If you approach (within 1 ft. (30 cm)) the driver or front passenger's door handle possessing the smart key, the outside door handles slide out and the doors are unlocked. In this case, Hazard Warning Flasher blinks twice and chime also sounds twice.

After first approach, the vehicle tries detecting the smart key every 5 seconds and if the key is not detected, the doors will lock automatically and the handles will slide in.

When the Approach unlock is deactivated

The handle does not slide out even when you approach with the smart key in possession. The doors are unlocked if you press the outside handle as the handles slide out.

The doors will lock automatically and the handles will slide in after 30 seconds unless a door is opened.


In emergency situations, such as battery is dead, the outside electric door handle can still be operated in a way that the manual type outside manual door handle operate.