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Home > Driving your vehicle > Intelligent Speed Limit Assist (ISLA) > System setting and operation

System setting and operation

Setting functions for the system

Speed limit

  • The driver can activate Intelligent Speed Limit Assist by selecting 'User Settings' → Driver Assistance → Intelligent Speed Limit Assist.

  • When Intelligent Speed Limit Assist is activated, Intelligent Speed Limit Assist shows the driver the speed limit and traffic sign information, and the driver can set the speed of the Intelligent Speed Limit Assist or Smart Cruise Control to drive the vehicle at the speed limit.

  • When 'Speed Limit Warning' is activated, the symbols appear on the instrument cluster to display the speed limit information and overtaking restriction, and warns the driver if the vehicle is moving faster than a speed limit.

  • When 'OFF' is selected, Intelligent Speed Limit Assist is deactivated.

  • When 'Speed Limit Warning' is activated, the vehicle does not adjust the speed automatically.

Speed Offset Setting

  • The driver can adjust Speed Offset by selecting 'User Settings' → Driver Assistance → Speed Offset Setting. When Speed Offset Setting is adjusted, the vehicle updates the offset value and activates the speed limit warning and assist according to the current road speed limit.

    In the following text, 'Speed Offset' is referred to as 'Offset'

  • For your safety, change the settings after parking the vehicle at a safe location.

  • Intelligent Speed Limit Assist is activated based on the offset value added to the speed limit. Adjust the offset value to '0' if the vehicle speed is equal to the speed limit.

  • Speed limit warning function is activated when the driving speed exceeds the speed limit with the offset value added. Set the offset value to "0" to activate the warning message immediately when the vehicle has exceeded the speed limit.