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Impact on distance to empty

The distance to empty is displayed differently according to the selected drive mode in the drive mode integrated control system.

For more information, refer to

  • Driving range depends on the driving style, electrical load usage, environment, and high voltage battery energy. Distance to empty displayed on the vehicle may be higher or lower than the certification range because these effects are considered.

  • Driving style refers to driving speed and acceleration/deceleration tendency. The higher the speed, or the more frequent the acceleration/deceleration, distance to empty will be reduced.

  • Electrical loads usage means air conditioning, heaters, lamps or additional auxilliary loads, and as the usage increases, distance to empty will be reduced.

  • Environment refers to weather, temperature, and terrain. Distance to empty is reduced in cases of snow/rain/high winds or low temperatures, uphill or slippery or rough road surfaces.

  • High voltage battery energy is proportional to SOC (charge amount), but may vary depending on the battery temperature, SOH (battery health), etc.

Change of distance to empty when 100% charging

  • If the distance to empty is lowered due to learning by the driving style or the environment in which the vehicle is used, the driving distance may be increased again if the vehicle continues to drive according to the “driving tips for improving the driving distance”. The distance to empty can be reset at the workshop, but it does not actually increase the range. Therefore, the distance to empty may be inaccurate until the learning proceeds.

  • Distance to empty decreases when the high voltage battery temperature is low in winter. It is not a permanent change. If the temperature rises, the distance to empty is restored.

  • Reducing the use of electrical loads increases the range available.

  • Natural degradation of the high voltage battery occurs depending on the length of use of the vehicle, which reduces the distance to empty.

Operating tips to improve driving range.

  • As electric vehicles speed up, air resistance increases rapidly, so not speeding helps more driving range.

  • High driving energy is consumed during rapid acceleration. Motor regenerative braking is restricted during rapid deceleration. Keep the accelerator pedal position constant and drive at a constant speed.

  • Excessive operation of the heater and air conditioner can increase power consumption and shorten the driving range. When setting the temperature to 22 °C (72 °F) auto, optimal energy consumption driving is possible. In particular, using a heated seat and reducing air heating in winter is very helpful. Turn off the heater and air conditioner when heating and cooling are not needed.

  • Selecting recirculation mode consumes less energy than selecting fresh mode. In the fresh mode, energy consumption is large because the outdoor air must be reheated or cooled. When driving with the window open, air resistance increases and heater and air conditioner usage increases. So close the window completely while driving to reduce energy consumption.

  • When driving alone, use DRIVER ONLY mode when using the heater and air conditioning system.

  • Always maintain the specified tire pressure and use tires exclusively for electric vehicles.

  • Do not use unnecessary electrical components while driving.

  • Do not load unnecessary items in the vehicle.

  • Do not mount parts that may increase air resistance.