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Electronic Limited Slip Differential

Electronic Limited Slip Differential controls the differential functions of the wheels to help:

  • Improve steering performance when circling at high speed.

  • Improve launching performance.

  • Prevent slipping on rainy or snowy roads due to dissimilar friction of the left and right wheels.


Never run the wheels with one of wheels lifted on a jack. It is extremely dangerous for a vehicle equipped with Electronic Limited Slip Differential.

Drive Mode Selection

The characteristic of Electronic Limited Slip Differential varies according to which drive mode is selected by using the DRIVE MODE switch.

Selected mode

Characteristic of e-LSD







For more details, refer to More Details"

Warning Messages

Electronic Limited Slip Differential temporarily disabled due to overheating

Overheating of related parts will temporarily disable Electronic Limited Slip Differential. Wait until the vehicle cools down.

Limited-slip differential disabled. Tire diameter mismatch/Tire size mismatch. Limited-slip differential disabled. Check tire sizes

If your vehicle is equipped with different tires (size, type, etc.), the message will appear. To use Electronic Limited Slip Differential, equip the vehicle with the same tires.

Check Limited Slip Differential

When Electronic Limited Slip Differential is not working properly, this warning message will appear on the cluster LCD display. If this occurs, Kia recommends visiting an authorized Kia dealer/service partner.