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Smart Cruise Control settings

Smart Cruise Control

With the vehicle on, select SetupVehicleDriver AssistanceSmart Cruise Control on the infotainment system to set the distance, acceleration and the reaction speed.

Based on Driving Style

  1. Driver Assistance

  2. Smart Cruise Control

  3. Based on Driving Style

With the vehicle on, if SetupVehicleDriver AssistanceSmart Cruise ControlBased on Driving Style is selected from the infotainment system screen, Smart Cruise Control will operate based on the driver's driving style, such as vehicle distance, acceleration, reaction speed.

The driver's driving style can be adjusted each driving style manually.

  • If equipped with Based on Driving Style, you can select Based on Driving Style from the infotainment system screen by selecting SetupVehicleDriver AssistanceSmart Cruise Control.

  • Whilst Smart Cruise Control is operating with Based on driving style selected, if you press and hold the Vehicle Distance button (), based on driving mode will be disabled. To active Based on driving style mode, press and hold the Vehicle Distance button ().

  • Smart Cruise Control learns the driver's driving styles only when the driver drives the vehicle.

  • When Based on Driving Style is disabled, the driver's driving style (inter-vehicle distance, acceleration, response speed) remains at the same level as the Based on Driving Style.

  • When the Based on Driving Style is enabled or disabled, even if the level of the displayed driving style (including inter-vehicle distance, acceleration, and response speed) is same, controlled styles may vary.