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SOC (State of Charge) gauge for high voltage battery

The SOC gauge shows the charging status of the high voltage battery.

If the gauge is near the "0 (Low)" level, the high voltage battery does not have enough energy. A full gauge indicates that the driving battery is fully charged.

When driving on highways or motorways, make sure to check in advance if the driving battery is charged enough.

When the remaining battery is lower than 15% on the SOC gauge, the warning light () turns ON to alert you of the battery level.

When the warning light () turns ON, the vehicle can drive an additional 37–52 km (23–32 miles) depending on the driving speed, heater/air conditioner, weather, driving style, and other factors. Charging is required.


When the available vehicle range is below 37–52 km (23–32 miles), the vehicle speed is limited, and then eventually, the vehicle will turn OFF. Charge the vehicle immediately.