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Main components

  • OBC*: Transforms (inverts) AC power to DC power to charge the high voltage battery

  • Inverter: Transforms direct current into alternating current to supply power to the motor, and, in reverse, it transforms alternating current into direct current to charge the high voltage battery.

  • LDC*: Transforms (converts) power from the high voltage battery to low voltage (12 V) to supply power to the vehicle (DC-DC).

  • VCU*: Functions as a supervisory controller of electric vehicle

  • Motor: Uses electrical energy stored inside the high voltage battery to drive the vehicle (functions like an engine in a standard vehicle).

  • Reduction gear: Delivers rotational force of the motor to the tyres at appropriate speeds and torque.

  • High voltage battery (lithium-ion) : Stores and supplies power necessary for the electric vehicle to operate (12 V auxiliary battery provides power to the vehicle features such as lights and wipers).

* OBC: On-Board Charger

* LDC: Low Voltage DC-DC Converter

* VCU: Vehicle Control Unit