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Home > Driving your vehicle > Intelligent Speed Limit Warning (ISLW) > Operation


  • If a traffic sign that is relevant to your vehicle is passed, the function displays the information of the speed limits and no passing restrictions to the driver.

  • When the driver turns on the ignition, the function displays the information of the speed limit that was stored before the ignition has been turned off.

  • Sometimes different speed limits are displayed for the same road. The information displayed depending on the situation, because, traffic signs with additional sign (e.g rainy, arrow...) are also detected and compared with an additional interior data(e.g wiper operation, turn signal...).

  • The function can update the speed limit information without visible speed limit signs in the following situations.

    • When you change your driving direction by turning right or left or by a U-turn.

    • When the road changes. (e.g. from highway to country road…)

    • When you enter or exit a into town or village.


If the speed limit unit is different between cluster and navigation, check the speed unit setting in the navigation menu.