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Lane Following Assist settings


Activating Lane Following Assist

With the POWER button in the ON position, press the Lane Driving Assist button located on the steering wheel to turn on Lane Following Assist. The white or green () indicator light will illuminate on the cluster.

Press the button again to turn off the function.

Select or release the setting from "User setting → Driver Assistance → Lane Following Assist on LCD display. Once the function starts working, the indicator light () comes on the instrument panel.

  • Green: steering assist mode on

  • White: steering assist mode off

The indicator light colors according to the function status are as follows.

  • It is the driver's responsibility to operate the steering wheel for safe driving.

  • Do not turn the steering wheel hastily if Lane Following Assist is in work.

  • Lane Following Assist assists the steering wheel control over the direction so that the vehicle can stay in the center of the lane. Lane Following Assist does not automatically control the steering wheel of at all times, which means the driver must not hands off the wheel while driving.

  • When using Lane Following Assist, always be aware of your surroundings and road conditions that may interrupt or stop Lane Following Assist.

  • Do not attach glass tinting, stickers, accessories to the windshield where the front view camera near the indoor mirror is placed.

  • The removal or re-assembly of the front view camera to attach tinting, stickers, accessories may require Lane Following Assist to be thoroughly inspected and modified. In such case, Kia recommend that you have your vehicle inspected by an authorized Kia dealer/service partner.

  • Inspection or modification may be required when replacing parts related to the windshield or front view camera, steering. have the function checked by a professional workshop. Kia recommends to visit an authorized Kia dealer/service partner.

  • Depending on your surroundings and road conditions, Lane Following Assist could fail to recognize the lane and stop working. In turn, extra caution is required while driving with Lane Following Assist on.

  • Be sure to check the nonoperating conditions and cautions for the driver before using Lane Following Assist.

  • Do not place reflective materials such as white paper or mirror on the crash pad. Sunlight reflections can cause a malfunction in Lane Following Assist.

  • Too big sound from the sound system can interrupt the alarming sound from Lane Following Assist.

  • Keeping your hands off the wheel while driving will trigger the hands-off warning and deactivate the steering-assist. Put your hands back on the wheel, then the steering-assist will be re-activated.

  • When driving at a high speed, the steering assist force can become weak and the vehicle can drive out of its lane. Extra caution is required, and comply with the speed limit.

  • Attaching an object to the steering wheel could deter steering assistance.

  • Attaching an object to the steering wheel could deter the hands-off alarming system.

Steering assist

If the vehicle is inside the lane with both lanes recognized by the function, and there is no steep steering made by the driver, Lane Following Assist changes into steering assist mode. The indicator light will come on green, and the function helps the vehicle stay in line by controlling the steering wheel.

When the steering wheel is not controlled temporarily, the indicator light will flash green and changes to white.

When the both lanes are not recognized by the function, the function controls the steering wheel limitedly whether there is a vehicle in front or not.


Lane Following Assist ensures the vehicle stays in its lane. Lane Following Assist does not guarantee 100% safety. Make sure you make decisions on the road after checking the road conditions and safety matters while driving. Never completely rely on your Lane Following Assist.


  • If you keep your hands off the wheel while driving with Lane Following Assist assisting the steering, the handsoff warning will be triggered.

  • If the driver still does not have their hands on the steering wheel after the hands-off warning, the ‘Lane Following Assist (LFA) canceled’ warning message will appear and Lane Following Assist will be automatically canceled.

If the driver keeps hands off the wheel even with the hands-off warning on, the steering assist is temporarily released automatically.

If you put your hands back on the wheel with Lane Following Assist released, the steering assist will re-start.

  • Hands-off warnings may be delayed depending on road conditions. Always keep your hands on the steering wheel while driving.

  • Hold the steering wheel tight. Otherwise, Lane Following Assist could misjudge that the driver hands off the wheel, and a hands-off warning may occur.