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Low tire pressure telltale

When the tire pressure monitoring system warning indicators are illuminated and warning massage displayed on the cluster LCD display, one or more of your tires is significantly under-inflated. The low tire pressure position telltale light will indicate which tire is significantly under-inflated by illuminating the corresponding position light.

If either telltale illuminates, immediately reduce your speed, avoid hard cornering and anticipate increased stopping distances. You should stop and check your tires as soon as possible. Inflate the tires to the cold tire recommended pressure as indicated on the vehicle’s placard or tire inflation pressure label located on the driver’s side center pillar outer panel. Refer to More Details. If you cannot reach a service station or if the tire cannot hold the newly added air, please use TMK to adjust tire pressure.


In winter or cold weather, the low tire pressure telltale may illuminate if the tire pressure was adjusted to the recommended tire inflation pressure in warm weather. It does not mean your TPMS is malfunctioning because the decreased temperature leads to a lowering of tire pressure.

When you drive your vehicle from a warm area to a cold area or from a cold area to a warm area, or the outside temperature is higher or lower, you should check the tire inflation pressure and adjust the tires to the recommended tire inflation pressure.

  • When filling tires with more air, conditions to turn off the low tire pressure telltale may not be met. This is because a tire inflator has a margin of error in performance. The low tire pressure telltale will be turned off if the tire pressure is above the recommended tire inflation pressure.


Low pressure damage

Significantly low tire pressure makes the vehicle unstable and can contribute to loss of vehicle control and increased braking distances.

Continued driving on low pressure tires can cause the tires to overheat and fail.