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Scheduled maintenance service

Follow Normal Maintenance Schedule if the vehicle is usually operated where none of the following conditions apply. If any of the following conditions apply, follow Maintenance Under Severe Usage Conditions.

  • Repeated driving short distance of less than 8 km (5 miles) in normal temperature or less than 16 km(10 miles) in freezing temperature

  • Extensive low speed driving for long distances.

  • Driving on rough, dusty, muddy, unpaved, graveled or salt-spread roads

  • Driving in areas using salt or other corrosive materials or in very cold weather

  • Driving in heavy dust condition

  • Driving in heavy traffic area

  • Driving on uphill, downhill, or mountain road repeatedly

  • Towing a trailer or using a camper, or roof rack

  • Driving as a patrol car, taxi, other commercial use of vehicle towing

  • Driving over 170 km/h (106 mile/h)

  • Frequently driving in stop-and-go condition

If your vehicle is operated under the above conditions, you should inspect, replace or refill more frequently than the following Normal Maintenance Schedule. After the periods or distance shown in the chart, continue to follow the prescribed maintenance intervals.