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Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist setting and activation

Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist setting

The driver can activate Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist by placing the power button to the ON position and by selecting:

"User Settings → Driver Assistance → Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist"

  • Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist deactivates, when the driver cancels the function setting.

The warning light illuminates on the LCD display, when you cancel Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist.The driver can monitor Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist ON/OFF status on the LCD display. Also, the warning light illuminates when the ESC (Electronic Stability Control) is turned off. When the warning light remains ON with Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist activated, have the function checked by a professional workshop. Kia recommends to visit an authorized Kia dealer/service partner.

Warning Timing

The driver can select the initial warning activation time on the LCD display.

Go to the “User settings → Driver assistance → Forward Collision Warning → Fast / Normal / Slow”

The options for the initial Forward Collision Warning includes the following:

  • Fast :

When this condition is selected, the initial Forward Collision Warning is activated earlier than Normal. This setting maximizes the amount of distance between the vehicle ahead, the pedestrian or the cyclist before the initial warning occurs.

  • Normal:

When this condition is selected, the initial Forward Collision Warning is activated normally. This setting allows for a nominal amount of distance between the vehicle ahead before the initial warning occurs.

  • Slow:

When this condition is selected, the initial Forward Collision Warning is activated later than normal. This setting reduces the amount of distance between the vehicle ahead, the pedestrian or the cyclist before the initial warning occurs.

Select 'Slow' when traffic is light and when driving speed is slow.

If the vehicle in front puts on a burst of speed, the driver can notice the warning alarm is early even though the later option is selected.

Prerequisite for activation

Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist gets ready to be activated, when the “Active assist” or “Warning only” is selected on the LCD display, and when the following prerequisites are satisfied.

  • The ESC is activated.

  • The driving speed is over 10km/h. (However, Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist is activated within certain driving speed.)

  • When recognizing the vehicle or the pedestrian or the cyclist in front. (However, Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist does not activate according to conditions in front and vehicle functions, but it notices only certain warnings.)

  • Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist does not operate properly or it only produces a warning alarms in accordance with the driving or vehicle condition.

  • If the warning only under Forward Safety is selected, Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist produces only warning alarms in accordance with the collision risk levels.


    Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist may not operate properly according to the frontal situation, the direction of pedestrian or cyclist and speed.

    • Completely stop the vehicle in a safe location before operating the switch on the steering wheel to activate/deactivate Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist.

    • Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist automatically activates upon placing the ignition switch to the ON position. The driver can deactivate Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist by canceling the function setting on the LCD display.

    • Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist automatically deactivates upon canceling the ESC. When the ESC is canceled, Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist cannot be activated on the LCD display.

      Forward Safety warning light will illuminate, which is normal.