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Lane Keeping Assist (LKA) (if equipped)

Lane Keeping Assist detects the lane markers and road edge on the road with a front view camera at the front windshield, and assists the driver’s steering to help keep the vehicle in the lanes.

When the function detects the vehicle straying from its lane or road, it alerts the driver with a visual and audible warning, while applying a slight counter-steering torque, trying to prevent the vehicle from moving out of its lane.

  • Driver is responsible for being aware of surroundings and steering the vehicle for safe driving practices.

  • Do not steer the steering wheel suddenly when the steering wheel is being assisted by the function.

  • Lane Keeping Assist helps prevent the driver from moving out of the lane or road unintentionally by assisting the driver’s steering. If the driver intentionally drive on one side of the driving lane, a continuous steering force may occur.

    However, Lane Keeping Assist is just a convenience function and the steering wheel is not always controlled. While driving, the driver should pay attention to the steering wheel.

  • The operation of Lane Keeping Assist can be canceled or not work properly according to road condition and surroundings. Always be cautious when driving.

  • Do not disassemble a front view camera temporarily for tinted window or attaching any types of coatings and accessories.

    If you disassemble the camera and assemble it again, have the function checked by a professional workshop. Kia recommends to visit an authorized Kia dealer/service partner and have the function checked to need a calibration.

  • When you replace the windshield glass, front view camera or related parts of the steering, have the function checked by a professional workshop.

    Kia recommends to visit an authorized Kia dealer/service partner and have the function checked to need a calibration.

  • The function detects lane markers and controls the steering wheel by a front view camera, therefore, if the lane markers and road edge are hard to detect, the function may not work properly. Always be cautious when using the function.

  • When the lane markers and road edge are hard to detect, please refer to More Details.

  • Do not remove or damage the related parts of Lane Keeping Assist.

  • Do not place objects on the crash pad that reflects light such as mirrors, white paper, etc. it may cause malfunction of Lane Keeping Assist if the sunlight is reflected.

  • You may not hear warning sound of Lane Keeping Assist because of the excessive audio sound.

  • While other beeps such as the seat belt warning sound are in operation and override Lane Keeping Assist alarming function, Lane Keeping Assist beeps may not occur.

  • If the vehicle speed is high, steering torque for assistance will not be enough to keep your vehicle within the lane. If so, the vehicle may move out of its lane. Obey speed limit when using Lane Keeping Assist.

  • If you attach objects to the steering wheel, the function may not assist steering.

  • If you attach objects to the steering wheel, hands off alarm may not work properly.