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Home > Driving your vehicle > Intelligent Speed Limit Warning (ISLW) > Display


  • If the function doesn’t have a reliable Speed Limit, the following symbol is displayed in both the instrument cluster and navigation screen.

    No reliable speed limit information
  • If the function detect no passing sign, no passing is displayed in both the instrument cluster and navigation screen.

    No passing Intelligent
  • After passing "end of speed limitation“ sign ISLW provides information from navigation to inform driver of perhaps afterwards applicable speed limit.

    End of a speed limit
  • For some areas on highways in germany there's no speed limit applicable. In that case ISLW shows "end of limitation" traffic sign as long as you don't pass another speed limit sign.

    Unlimited speed (only in Germany)

Warning message

The message will appear when camera’s field of view is covered by some objects. The function stops until the field of view is normal.

Check the windshield around the camera view area.

If the function does not work normally even though camera’s field of view is cleared, have the function checked by a professional workshop. Kia recommends to visit an authorized Kia dealer/service partner.

When ISLW is not working properly, the warning message will come on for a few second. After the message disappears, the master warning light will illuminate.

In this case, have the function checked by a professional workshop.

Kia recommends to visit an authorized Kia dealer/service partner.

The function may not fully operate and provide correct information in the following situations.

  • Traffic signs are positioned on sharp curve.

  • Poorly positioned traffic sign. (eg. Rotated, shaded by any object, damaged…)

  • Concealed traffic signs by other vehicle.

  • Broken LED traffic signs.

  • Poor weather like snow, rain, fog

  • Reflected glare around and/or on the traffic sign.

  • There is insufficient illumination of the traffic signs in the night.

  • There is bright lights around traffic signs.

  • There is dirt, ice or frost on the windshield in the area of the camera.

  • When camera field of view is covered by objects such as a sticker, paper, leaf fall.

  • When driving very close to the vehicle in front of you.

  • When navigation function has malfunction.

  • When bus or trucks attached with a speed sticker are passing you.

  • When you are at a certain location not covered by the navigation function.

  • When the navigation function is not updated to the latest map version.